Alumni Department Update and Reunion!

2013 La Hacienda Alumni Reunion Registration
Krystle Conner is now Alumni Support Representative, jumping in just before reunion last September.

Louis Romano expanded his role with alumni and has begun visiting alumni meetings in our various cities, along with his other duties.

Pam Searfoss joined us as the Alumni Follow-Up Coordinator. She is now the voice on the phone who calls to check in on alumni.

Sherri Layton gives leadership to the department in her role as Outpatient Services Administrator.

As a team –

We have all been more active in our alumni groups around the state and this will continue in the future with Krystle, Louis and Sherri visiting meetings.

Working hard to connect the departing patient with alumni in their home area. We are developing a master alumni phone list. Let us know if you want your number on it.

Speaker Swap – In April we had alumni from one area speak at alumni meetings in other areas. It has been lots of fun and we plan to do this again in September.

We are working with conference committees to create opportunities for our alumni to participate in their local conference around the state.

Our Business Development Department is sponsoring an alumni fellowship activity in several of our cities this year.

And then there’s REUNION – we hope all our alumni will attend the reunion May 3 – 5th.

Many of our groups are having a city gathering during Reunion. We can help you with information on who is where; just let us know. We have three great speakers –

David O. from Austin
Marti R. from Austin
Ernie G. from San Diego

This year we have added a sobriety countdown to the birthday meeting and a city shout-out so our current patients can identify alumni from their home area.

We want to hear your feedback about alumni services in your area. Let us know how we can help you achieve the goal of strengthening your group to best reach out to the new alumni returning home. Please feel free to share your comments, needs, or concerns with Sherri at [email protected] or (830)238-4222 ext 103. We look forward to seeing you in May and at your alumni meeting after that!
