Out of Caution, Reunion 2020 Will Not Be Held

Our beautiful campus in the Texas Hill Country provides a healing environment for men and women seeking treatment and a successful start on the road to recovery.

And, under normal circumstances, it’s a place where hundreds of alumni and their families and friends gather the first weekend in May to celebrate sobriety and a brighter future.

This year, however, the problems of the outside world are making it necessary to delay that celebration.

“Our patients are our top priority. Many of them arrive for treatment with compromising medical conditions,” said Executive Director Art VanDivier

“The risk appears low that the virus will spread through Texas communities, but there are many unknowns. Because of that, we are taking the precaution of limiting the number of visitors to campus. The decision follows our long-established policy of being firmly committed to our patients’ care and our employees’ well-being.”

Reunion Will Return in 2021

“It will be sad to miss seeing returning friends and hearing their stories, but I believe they will understand,” said VanDivier.

The combination of La Hacienda’s “isolated, rural location and aggressive screening should continue to keep our campus a safe and healing haven for patients seeking recovery,” he said.

“We hope and pray for rapid control of the spread of COVID-19 abroad and effective treatment of its victims. And in the long run, that the medical science will create a vaccine to prevent it.”

“The La Hacienda team looks forward to hosting our largest-ever Reunion in Spring 2021. In the meantime, know that we always hold our alumni in our hearts and pray for continuing recovery.”
