La Hacienda Partners with The Law Office of Patrick O’fiel

There is a new movement taking place….a Recovery Movement.

Currently in Washington, the War on Drugs has been sidelined for a new approach…..Addiction Treatment.

With our legal system trying to work with the recovery community for a new solution to an age-old problem, Hill Country Attorney at Law Patrick O’fiel is taking it head on.

La Hacienda Treatment Center and The Law Office of Patrick O’fiel have produced a video to announce their efforts in partnering for freedom.

Take a look at the video and make sure to follow them on facebook.

Patrick O’fiel from the Law Office of Patrick O’fiel and Cade Saurage from La Hacienda Treatment Center discuss our new partnership and the Recovery Defense Strategy during a radio interview on Rev-FM.
#laharecovery #recoverydefense