Collection Specialist
Before joining the La Hacienda staff in Spring 2022, Julie Ortiz was stay-at-home home for her three children, daughters Acelynn and Emerson, and son August. They are the “lights of my life,” but she had a desire to do something that would make a difference for people.
“I kept applying and finally got in at what feels like the perfect position for me!” she says of her work which makes use of an ability to multitask and her positive attitude.
Likes to Make New Arrivals Feel Welcome
As a Business Office Coordinator, Julie receives and admits new patients when they first arrive on campus.
This involves explaining necessary issues such as treatment costs, insurance benefits, and payment arrangements to patients and their families, while also making them feel assured they are in good hands and have made the correct decision.
“I like being the light and making people feel welcome. As the first person they talk to when arriving, I want to make them feel comfortable and sure that La Hacienda is the place for them.
Cooking is Her Joy
At home, she likes cooking and canning. “Trying new recipes is so fun and I like watching people enjoy what I prepared. It makes my heart happy!”
Julie and her family live on the Guadalupe River at Waltonia on property handed down from her grandfather.
Completing the family are her Blue Heeler, Cowboy, and Pug baby, Zero. “They definitely help keep life fun and interesting!”