Director of Professional Relations
Director of Professional Relations Todd Benedict is the point person for patient recommendations from our major referral sources and community outreach representatives. He ensures that the patient, family, and referral source are well-informed about the admissions process. “I take pride in my ability to get patients into treatment, whether it is with us or another trusted provider.”
The Call That Will Make a Difference
As a La Hacienda alumnus, Todd is well prepared to help others enter the program. “I’m easy to talk to. I make people feel comfortable,” says Todd. “My experience allows me to be confident and resourceful when helping patients and their families.” “I treat every call I take like it’s the last call the person will have to make because it will lead to recovery.”
Finding the Right Place for Each Person
Sometimes issues with a prospective patient’s treatment needs or financial situation make it necessary to seek an alternative facility. Todd is also prepared to help in those instances. “We have developed a list of other facilities which we have vetted, know and trust. They share the La Hacienda philosophy of treatment.” “Due to my long history in the field and relationships I am personally familiar with the facilities and recovery professionals to which I refer people.”
Recovery Led to Counseling, Admissions Work
Born and raised in Bryan/College Station, Todd has been sober since going through La Hacienda’s program in January 2004. After his first year of sobriety, he felt a calling to become a drug and alcohol counselor. He completed studies at the Institute of Chemical Dependency Studies at San Antonio, then served an internship in case management. Serving on the staff of two respected treatment centers steered him toward admissions management. La Hacienda called him to his present position in January 2014.
Never Give Up
Professional and personal experience has shown Todd that there is always something new and beneficial ahead. “You have to keep on learning.” And you never give up. “You don’t leave before the miracle happens, because it will.”
God, Family and Friendship
Todd is the proud human for two German Shepherds and a self-admitted clean freak. He enjoys being an active member in his 12-step recovery program, going to movies, fishing, hunting, working out in the gym, playing competitive softball, or doing anything outdoors and activities with people.
“God, family, and friendship are number one to me, and I am loyal to a T.”