Drugs and the Teenage Brain is Subject of Community Forum

La Hacienda-College Station is helping present a free community forum on “How Drugs Affect the Teenage Brain.” The event starts at 6 p.m. Monday, September 17, in the Brazos Valley Council of Governments Office, 3991E 29th St. in Bryan.

Presented by Recovery Oriented Systems of Care—Brazos Valley (ROSC-BV), the forum is designed to help participants understand how synthetic marijuana and opioids damage teenagers’ health.

Dr. Joy P. Alonzo, PharmD, ME, will be the keynote speaker. A clinical assistant professor at Texas A&M’s Health Science Center, she is also a peer support specialist and a mental health first aid instructor.

The event will also include a discussion panel composed of a graduate from a sober high school and professionals from local school districts, police departments, the court system, and substance use disorder treatment providers.

The forum is recommended for parents, teachers, counselors, treatment providers, mental health professionals, health professionals, law enforcement agencies, churches and others interested in the subject.

“This is one of several events hosted in Bryan/College Station during Recovery Month,” said Mary Reyes, LCDC, Program Director of La-Hacienda-College Station. “It’s exciting to see the momentum for recovery grow in our community.”

ROSC-BV is part of a statewide network that emphasizes the importance of community collaborations and partnership, including governmental agencies at all levels, to ensure the continuum of care available for persons affected by substance use disorders.

La Hacienda-College Station provides an Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) that includes educational lectures, process groups, and individual counseling. It also offers Alumni Support Groups for individuals and their families who have completed any of La Hacienda’s programs.

For information email Mary Reyes at [email protected].
