La Hacienda's Treatment and Recovery Blog

national nurses week 2020

Especially During Pandemic, Nurses Deserve Recognition

The week before May 12 — Florence Nightingale’s birthday — is annually celebrated as National Nurses Week in the United States. Nightingale, who managed and trained British nurses during the Crimean War (1853-1856), is considered the founder of modern nursing.

The field of medicine she pioneered is again notably in the front lines as the world battles the COVID-19 pandemic. The women and men who practice nursing worldwide are laboring around the clock to contain the disease and save lives, sometimes sacrificing their own.

At La Hacienda, the nursing staff has helped make it possible to continue treating patients for addiction and alcoholism despite the pandemic. They have handled extra screening and other precautions and responded to patients’ increased medical concerns.

“I’ve been practicing medicine since 1984, and I can say, without reservation, that our La Hacienda nurses are amazing,” says Medical Director Dr. James Boone, MD. “Nurses deal with folks at their very worst and are here 24/7, yet they remain compassionate and patient and kind and smart and available and helpful and–on and on!”

And Our Patients Agree

Those who come here to turn around their lives know first-hand the importance of the nurses’ mission. Here is a sampling of what recent patients have written in their parting surveys.

“The SCU nurses were fantastic. Always answered my questions, always made sure I was feeling okay. Always gave me a hug if I was sad and asked if they could do anything.”

“The nurses that took care of me upon admission saved my life.”

“Very caring nurses made me feel that I was in the right place.”

“All of the nursing staff were outstanding and went the extra mile.”

“The nurses are incredible; they made me laugh and were so caring and loving, especially when I first got here and was scared.”

And this one pretty much speaks for all of us.

“Love the nurses!”
